NGO Co-Financing Fund 2024

Intended to Support the co-financing obligations of Voluntary Organisations (VOs) benefitting from EU institutions funding


The NGO Co-Financing Fund (NCF) aims to support the Co-Financing obligations of Voluntary Organisations (VOs) benefitting from funding from EU institutions, EEA Grants, Norway Grants, Bilateral Agreements (including the Swiss Maltese Cooperation Programme), and the Council of Europe. The NGO Co-Financing Fund should complement and not replace existing activities and other financial sources supported by EU Funded Projects.

The call for applications for NGO Co-Financing Fund is open on a need basis, and funds are allocated to applicants, subject to evaluation by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS). Approval per Voluntary Organisation is on a first-come, first-serve basis until funds are exhausted.

Eligibility Criteria

At application and submission stage of the e-application form the applicants must be enrolled and compliant with the Office of the Commissioner for the Voluntary Organisations (OCVO).

  • Applicant must have successfully obtained funding or are partners for a project from the EU institutions, EEA Grants, Norway Grants, bilateral agreements
    (including the Swiss Maltese Cooperation Programme) and the Council of Europe.
  • Applicants must have been awarded or are partners to these projects, for which the VO must cover its own financial contribution from the projects total eligible value.
  • At application stage a VO must have a Project Approval Letter issued from the Competent Authority.
  • At application stage a VO should submit a draft or an endorsed Grant Agreement
  • All required correct documentation has been submitted in full at application stage.
  • Eligible applicants are to submit one application per project under the NCF Scheme. A second or third application form may be considered if there are surplus of funds by closing date of the call.

Excluding Criteria

Should the project be completed and the period between the date of submission of the NCF Application and the date of the Closure Report is more than one year (12 months).

  • VOs not compliant with the Commissioner for VOs until the date of submitted e-application.
  • Projects which are 100% funded through the above-mentioned EU institution.
  • Projects not yet approved for funding.
  • Incorrect and incomplete application form. This includes submitted documentation.


This fund shall be opening again on the last week of January 2025


Guidelines NCF 2024


Archived Results

For more information contact:
Ms. Rebecca Zammit