Komunitajiet Aktar Inklussivi

This scheme is designed to assist Applicants with the execution of a project / initiative to build stronger communities so that everyone has an opportunity to thrive. This should focus on the involvement of youths, adults, senior citizens and/or disabled people to come together for a project / initiative that addresses either the National Disability Strategy or the National Strategy for Volunteering, therefore serving as an opportunity to make a real difference to the local community.

Komunitajiet Aktar Inklussivi 2024 (EN)


1.       Aim

The aim of this fund is two-fold:

a.       promoting volunteering across local communities, and

b.       fostering a culture of inclusion


This scheme is designed to assist Applicants with the execution of a project / initiative to build stronger communities so that everyone has an opportunity to thrive. 


This should focus on the involvement of youths, adults, senior citizens and/or disabled people to come together for a project / initiative that addresses either the National Disability Strategy or the National Strategy for Volunteering, therefore serving as an opportunity to make a real difference to the local community.


2.       Eligible applicants

Voluntary Organisations enrolled and compliant with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations by the deadline of the submission of the e-applications.


3.       Possible Projects and Initiatives

Project proposals are to be based on one of the following categories:

i.            Awareness projects and/or initiatives with the involvement of Disabled People / Children / Youths / Adults / Senior Citizens

ii.            Participatory projects and/or initiatives with the involvement of Disabled People / Children / Youths / Adults / Senior Citizens

iii.            Education / Learning initiatives with the involvement of Disabled People / Children / Youths / Adults / Senior Citizens


4.       Application Form, Submission and Queries

Applications that do not follow these Guidelines, or which lack information requested on the Application Form, shall be rejected.


Applications are to be submitted online by the 3rd May 2024Late applications will not be considered.


Any queries in respect of this scheme should be addressed by email to skemi.miv@gov.mt.  


Guidelines Komunitajiet Aktar Inklussivi