Skema Ngħinu Finanzjarjament Lis-Soċjetajiet Tal-Banda
The scheme is intended to support and strengthen the relationship between Band Club Organisations and work to improve the level of teaching and appreciation of musical arts.
Financial Help for Band Clubs Scheme
The Malta Arts Council always recognizes the importance of the Band Societies within the Clubs Association Band, not only in fostering musical culture but also in protecting and strengthening the cultural traditions in our country. All this is made primarily on a voluntary basis and thus adds to the ongoing work of these societies, is for the third consecutive year launching the scheme entitled “Financial Help for Band Clubs Scheme”. As part of the Collaboration and Strengthening Implementative Program, this scheme is being administered by the Band Clubs Association with the Malta Arts Council within the same Ministry of Justice and Local Councils.
The main motive behind this scheme is that once again after the success of the two previous schemes, this financial scheme is again launched to give space to the respective Band Societies for initiatives and proposals which will include;
a. Restoration of the goods / works to such paintings, musical archives, decks, antique instruments, standardi, decorations, etc;
b. Enhancement, embellishment and restoration of existing infrastructure from which they can make the music learning and performance environments more professional and / or to carry out their work more effective and accessible and in accordance with the laws of the country;
c. Assisting the conductors, the conductors’ assistants and their teacher in a program of education and musical training aimed for them into educational Maltese tertiary level Institutions and what study and teaching programs are organized in collaboration with the Unity Band Clubs;
d. Purchasing a set of Band instruments that are not most commonly used and / or are completely lost and have significance importance in the progress of Band Music;
e. Restoration of existing scaffolding particularly fittings/decorations that it are old and needs to be restored;
f. Strengthening collaboration between Band Societies and their musicians;
g. Strengthening their internal management systems and their band musicians and should be complemented to those of the Band Clubs Association;
h. Implementing innovative projects that will expand their musical activities both in Malta and abroad in which activities must be sustainable;
i. other innovative projects which are related to this scheme.