Designed to provide support and facilitate the realisation of small projects, activities and initiatives on the Island of Gozo by Voluntary Organisations.
In order to further encourage the use of renewable energy, the following Initiative is being launched by the Energy & Water Agency (EWA) to enable Voluntary Organisations to install and run...
The fund is targeted to non-government, not-for-profit Voluntary Organisations that improve the welfare of animals.
The National STEM Community Fund is an initiative of the National STEM Engagement Working Group chaired by Esplora Interactive Science Centre on behalf of the Malta Council for Science...
The Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade strives to continue building a strong coordinating role with Non-Governmental Organisations.
The Energy & Water Agency recognises the pressing issues that arise with Water Leakage. To tackle this occurrence, EWA is pleased to announce an initiative which enables Voluntary Organisati...
The BOOST scheme aims to support Voluntary Youth Organisations, enabling them to enhance their capacity and elevate the quality of their work with young people. This is to be achieved only t...
Assistenza finanzjarja lill-Każini tal-Banda lokali biex joħorġu b’inizjattivi u proposti li bihom iħeġġu żgħażagħ jibdew jitgħallmu strumenti mużikali.