The Quality of Life - Small Grants Scheme is aimed at encouraging voluntary organisations to implement in practice, projects and initiatives, with the aim of improving the quality of life wi...
The Energy and Water Agency administers this national fund in order to assist Voluntary Organisations in reducing their energy and water consumption, and to address the National sustainabili...
Applications for VOs: The LIFE Proposal Writing Assistance Scheme is a Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise (MEEE) measure designed to assist VOs in their applications for the...
Application for LIFE Projects Co-Financing Scheme is a Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise (MEEE) measure designed to support VOs by providing financial assistance in recogni...
Din l-iskema hija maħsuba biex jingħata finanzjament ta’ darba, b’rabta mal-COVID-19, lil kull organizzazzjoni volontarja li hija attiva fl-organizzazzjoni tal-festa tal-2022. Dan il-finanzj...
The Ministry for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights is launching this scheme with the aim of increasing inclusion in band clubs. The scheme encourages band clubs to imple...
Sustainable Development Fund provides financial support to voluntary organisations engaged in sustainable development activities in order to undertake projects and initiatives in the environ...
An initiative through which funds will be granted for the implementation of projects related to sustainable mobility, with the aim of reducing emissions and providing a better quality of lif...
An award to celebrate the achievement of individuals and organisations whose endeavours implement the rights for persons with disability. On a national level, Government is obliged to show i...
Financial initiative administered by the Arts Council Malta, aiming to facilitate investment to improve the infrastructure, quality, health and safety in local Fireworks Factories.
The International Cultural Exchanges Scheme assists Malta based artists with international collaborations and exchanges, international accessibility and exposure, promoting cultural diversit...
The scheme is intended to support and strengthen the relationship between Band Club Organisations and work to improve the level of teaching and appreciation of musical arts.
The Arts Support Scheme forms part of Arts Council Malta’s support portfolio that invests in diverse artistic and cultural expression and in the development of Malta’s cultural and creative...
The Access Support Top-up forms part of a portfolio of initiatives designed to help people come together, explore diverse narratives, and unleash their creative expression. This scheme is ai...
The Arts Council Malta acknowledges the fact that the Maltese feast is part of our towns’ and villages’ fabric. Part and parcel of these feasts is also the artistic aspect, cultural and soci...
The A4U scheme was developed to provide financial support to organizations or youth groups.
The primary objective of this scheme is for Aġenzija Żgħażagħ to continue to help Voluntary Youth Organisations to learn, develop, plan, implement and evaluate initiatives.
SKEMA A - Assistenza finanzjarja lill-Każini tal-Banda lokali biex joħorġu b’inizjattivi u proposti li bihom iħeġġu żgħażagħ jibdew jitgħallmu strumenti mużikali.
SKEMA B - Inizjattiva Sottomessa minn grupp ta’ Każini. Assistenza finanzjarja lill-Każini tal-Banda lokali biex joħorġu b’inizjattivi u proposti li bihom iħeġġu żgħażagħ jibdew jitgħallm...
The fund is offering financial support in the form of grants to registered non-governmental organisations (NGOs), which are active within the domain of conservation of wild birds.
Intended to Support the co-financing obligations of Voluntary Organisations (VOs) benefitting from EU institutions funding
One of the main priorities of the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS) is to encourage Voluntary Organisations to invest in training and capacity building...